SRP™ has gathered independent, leading experts with extensive experience to create this document to ensure professionals like yourself, have detailed literature for design and installation reference. Information is included on all SRP™ Ceiling Systems, including components, standard application details, installation information, design tables and other important material. All of the information detailed, has been created in accordance with relevant New Zealand/International Standards listed in the Compliance Section of this document. In addition, SRP™ can provide advice and specific engineering design assistance for the design of non-standard ceilings subject to specific seismic loading, wind pressure. Please be aware, however, that products, systems, building codes and any third party referenced material may change over time and interpretations could also vary. While every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information, SRP™ cannot accept any responsibility or liability for any economic or consequential losses with respect to using the information contained in this website. It is the responsibility of the designer, specifier and/or installer to ensure the correct use and interpretation of the information in this Handbook and ensure it is in accordance with up-to-date industry practice.