Penetrations in Noise Control Walls
Any penetrations in Noise Control systems, like door openings, recessed light fittings to the walls or ceilings, power outlets, pipes, or any HVAC [heating, ventilating, and air conditioning] systems, could possibly degrade the airborne or impact sound acoustic performance of the Noise Control systems.
For more information and installation details refer to GIB® Noise Control System.
NOTE: Where a Fire Resistance Rating is required, refer below, Gib® Fire Rated Systems October 2012 and Penetrations in GIB® Fire Rated Systems.
It is to be remembered that the acoustic data referenced in this document were obtained in a controlled environment during laboratory testing. Even with the greatest attention to detail during installation, it should be noted that the laboratory values could be degraded by various on-site conditions such as number and type of penetrations, as described earlier.
Some possible causes of STC rating degradation could be:
»» Minute air gaps, leaks between the wall and the penetrating items, such as power outlets, light switches, recessed light fitting in the walls, door jambs, penetrating pipes etc. Minute air gaps for leaking sound are similar to cracks in a water tank.
»» Replacing part of the higher acoustic properties Noise Control system, with a lower acoustic properties item, e.g. doors, openings, power outlets, light switches, lights etc.